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Buy art online | The Fine Art Hut

Our Original Acrylic Paintings collection is a must-see for art enthusiasts and collectors. Featuring pieces including from leading artists, each painting is an original work of art that will add a touch of sophistication to any room.


We hold a number of original acrylic paintings, including:- landscape paintings, still life paintings, abstract art, marine art, contemporary art; and portraits, among others.

Whether you're starting or expanding your collection, you can buy on a budget with our wide selection of affordable paintings

Buy an original acrylic painting today from The Fine Art Hut. See our collection below.

What is an Acrylic Painting?

Acrylic paint uses a synthetic resin to bind pigments. It can be diluted with water to the desired consistency for painting, but becomes waterproof once it has dried.


Due to its versatility and being quick drying, it is a popular painting medium used by many artists.

History of Acrylic Painting

An acrylic resin was initially developed by German inventors Otto Rohm and Otto Haas in around the 1930s. The "Rohm and Haas Company" became a global chemical manufacturer and was later bought by the Dow Chemical Company in 2009.


Mineral-spirit based acrylic paints and water-based acrylic were later developed in the 1940s by other companies. This enabled acrylic paints to be used more readily in other commercial applications, such as, for painting houses.

By the 1950s, acrylic paint increasingly became a medium used by artists to create their artworks. Artists favoured use of acrylic paints as they were more affordable (than say oil based paints), they held colour well, dried quickly, were water-resistant once dry; and artworks created using the medium looked appealing. 

Famous Artists who used Acrylics Paints

There are a number of world renowned artists who used acrylic paints, including:- David Hockney and Andy Warhol, among others.

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Source: David Hockney | "A Bigger Splash" (1967)

Explore our Original Acrylic Paintngs

Looking to buy an original acrylic painting? Mix of renowned artists and passionate painters. Choose from our selection of original acrylic paintings for sale. The Fine Art Hut 

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